Mystery Snail Purple

Are you looking to add a colorful touch to your aquarium? Look no further than the purple mystery snail! These unique aquatic creatures are a beautiful addition to any tank, and have a range of fascinating characteristics that make them perfect for beginners and experienced aquarium enthusiasts alike.

Discover the World of the Purple Mystery Snail

The purple mystery snail, also known as Pomacea bridgesii, is a freshwater snail native to South America. As their name suggests, these snails are known for their striking purple coloration, which can range from deep violet to pale lavender. They have a unique conical shell, which can grow up to 2 inches in diameter, and a distinct black stripe on their body.

In addition to their aesthetic appeal, purple mystery snails are also ideal for aquariums because they are easy to care for. They feed on algae, dead plant matter, and uneaten fish food, and will not harm other aquatic animals. They are also known for their ability to clean the aquarium substrate, making them a valuable addition for any tank’s ecosystem.

When it comes to breeding, purple mystery snails are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs. They lay their eggs above the water line, where they will hatch and fall into the water as tiny, yellow snails. It's important to monitor their population, however, as they have been known to quickly reproduce if their environment is ideal.

When caring for your purple mystery snails, make sure to provide them with a well-maintained aquatic environment. They prefer a neutral pH level and a temperature range of 68-82 degrees Fahrenheit. Large aquariums are best for these snails, as they require ample space to move and thrive.

What Makes the Purple Mystery Snail a Great Choice for Aquariums?

One of the main reasons that the purple mystery snail is an excellent choice for aquariums is their easy care. These snails are a great addition to any tank because they are adaptable to a variety of water conditions. Additionally, unlike other types of snails, purple mystery snails are not known to overpopulate or become pests.

Another benefit of adding purple mystery snails to your aquarium is their ability to help keep the water clean. They are voracious eaters and will readily consume algae and dead plant matter, which can help reduce the need for manual cleaning. Additionally, their constant movement throughout the aquarium can help keep the water oxygenated and reduce the risk of stagnant water.

Question and Answer

Q: Are purple mystery snails compatible with other aquatic life?
A: Yes! These snails are peaceful creatures that will not harm other fish or invertebrates in the aquarium.

Q: How often should I feed my purple mystery snail?
A: These snails require minimal feeding, as they will feed on algae, dead plant matter, and uneaten fish food in the aquarium. However, you can supplement their diet with sinking algae wafers and other specialized snail foods.

Q: Can I breed purple mystery snails in my aquarium?
A: Yes, it is possible to breed these snails in an aquarium. However, it's important to monitor their population to prevent over-population and potential damage to the ecosystem.


Overall, the purple mystery snail is a fascinating and low-maintenance addition to any aquarium. With their stunning coloration, unique shells, and easy-care characteristics, these snails are a great choice for beginners and experienced aquarium enthusiasts alike. By following a few simple care guidelines, such as maintaining a stable water environment and monitoring their population, you can enjoy the beauty and benefits of purple mystery snails in your tank for years to come.

