Tetra Ick Guard Killed My Fish

Have you ever used Tetra Ick Guard Tablets to treat your fish for parasites? Did you notice anything strange happening to your fish after using it? Unfortunately, I have to share my experience and warn others about how Tetra Ick Guard killed my fish.

The Story of How Tetra Ick Guard Killed My Fish

I have been a fish hobbyist for many years, and I have always trusted the Tetra brand for my fish care needs. This is why when my neon tetras started to show signs of ich, I immediately went to my local pet store and purchased Tetra Ick Guard Tablets. The packaging made it seem easy to use, and I followed the instructions on the label carefully. I added the tablets to my tank as directed and waited for the medication to work its magic.

However, instead of seeing an improvement in my fish's health, I noticed that they started to become lethargic and stopped eating. Then, one by one, they started to die off. It was a terrible experience seeing my fish suffer, and I couldn't understand why the medication that was supposed to help them was killing them instead.

After doing some research, I found out that I wasn't the only one who had a bad experience with Tetra Ick Guard Tablets. Many other fish owners have reported negative side effects such as lethargy, loss of appetite, and even death. I wish I had known about these reports before using the medication.

How to Avoid Losing Your Fish to Medication

As responsible pet owners, it is our responsibility to do everything we can to ensure that our pets are healthy and safe. This includes being careful when using medication to treat them. Here are some tips on how to avoid losing your fish to medication:

  • Do your research before purchasing any medication. Read reviews and ask for advice from other fish owners.
  • Follow the instructions on the label carefully. Never overdose your fish with medication.
  • Don't use medication unnecessarily. Only use it when your fish are showing signs of illness, and consult a vet if possible.

Question and Answer

Q: Can Tetra Ick Guard Tablets be used on all types of fish?
A: No, Tetra Ick Guard Tablets have been found to be especially harmful to tetras and other sensitive fish. Q: How long does it take for Tetra Ick Guard Tablets to work?
A: The medication is usually effective within 24 hours. Q: Is there any way to reverse the negative effects of Tetra Ick Guard Tablets?
A: Unfortunately, once the medication has been administered, there is no way to reverse the damage it may have caused.


In conclusion, I strongly advise fish owners to be cautious when using medication to treat their fish. Always do your research, follow the instructions carefully, and never use medication unnecessarily. While I trusted the Tetra brand for many years, my experience with Tetra Ick Guard Tablets was a tragic one that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Don't make the same mistake I did.

