Best Plants For Tree Frog Terrarium

Are you looking to create a beautiful and healthy environment for your tree frogs? Then you must know that one of the most important aspects of a tree frog's habitat is the plants that are kept in their terrariums. Selecting the best plants for your tree frog terrarium can be a challenging task, but it is crucial to ensure that your pets have a healthy and natural environment to thrive in. In this post, we'll discuss the best plants for tree frog terrariums to help you get started on creating a happy and healthy habitat for your beloved tree frogs.

Best Plants for Tree Frog Terrariums

When it comes to selecting the perfect plants for your tree frog terrarium, there are plenty of choices to make. However, it is essential to select plants that will not only look attractive but will also thrive in the amphibian's environment. The ideal plants for tree frog terrariums are ones that can handle high humidity, low light, and moderate temperatures.

One of the best plants for a tree frog terrarium is the pothos plant. This plant is a favorite for many pet owners and frog enthusiasts because it is low maintenance and thrives in low light conditions. Other excellent options include bromeliads, snake plants, spider plants, and mosses. All these plants provide ample cover for your tree frogs, and they will not only help to create an aesthetically pleasing terrarium but also promote your tree frog's health.

Frog terrarium with bromeliads and moss

It is important to note that some plants can be hazardous to your tree frogs. Therefore, you need to ensure that the plants you keep in their terrariums are not toxic. Some examples of toxic plants to avoid include philodendron, dieffenbachia, and lilies.

Answering Best Plants for Tree Frog Terrariums

When it comes to selecting the best plants for your tree frog terrarium, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you need to ensure that the plant can tolerate the environment of the terrarium, which includes high humidity and low light. Second, you need to ensure that the plant is not toxic to your tree frogs. Lastly, you need to select plants that will promote the health and well-being of your tree frogs.

To help your tree frogs thrive, you may also want to consider adding live moss and ferns to the terrarium. Aside from adding aesthetic value, these plants can also help to regulate the moisture levels in the enclosure and provide a natural resting environment.

Summary of Main Points

We have discussed the best plants for tree frog terrariums, including pothos plants, bromeliads, spider plants, snake plants, and mosses. These plants can help to create a natural and healthy environment for your tree frogs. However, it is essential to ensure that the plants you keep are safe for your pets and can tolerate the high humidity and low light conditions of the terrarium. Adding live moss and ferns can also help to regulate moisture levels and provide a natural resting environment for your tree frogs.

Plants Q&A

Q: Can I keep a philodendron in the terrarium?

A: No, philodendrons are toxic to tree frogs and should be avoided. Opt for non-toxic plants like pothos or bromeliads instead.

Q: Do I need to keep live plants in my tree frog terrarium?

A: While live plants are not entirely necessary, they provide many benefits to your tree frog's environment. They help to regulate the humidity levels in the terrarium, provide cover and hiding spots for your tree frogs, and can overall improve the aesthetic value of your pet's habitat.

Q: Can I use artificial plants in my tree frog terrarium?

A: Artificial plants can be used in a tree frog terrarium, but they do not provide the same benefits as live plants. Artificial plants do not help to regulate the humidity levels and are not as beneficial to your tree frogs' overall health as live plants.


In conclusion, selecting the best plants for your tree frog terrarium is a crucial step in providing a healthy and natural environment for your pets to thrive in. Plants like pothos, bromeliads, spider plants, snake plants, and mosses not only look great but also provide hiding spots and cover for your tree frogs. However, you need to ensure that the plants you keep are non-toxic and can tolerate the high humidity and low light conditions of the terrarium. Adding live plants can help to regulate the humidity levels and improve the overall health and well-being of your tree frogs.

