Ob Peacock Cichlid

The ob peacock cichlid is a fascinating fish that can add a colorful and vibrant touch to any aquarium. If you're looking for a new addition to your aquatic collection, this species may be just what you need.

The Ob Peacock Cichlid: A Rare Beauty

The ob peacock cichlid is a fascinating freshwater fish that has become increasingly popular among aquarium enthusiasts. This stunning fish is native to Lake Malawi in Africa and is known for its unique coloration and distinct patterns. The ob peacock cichlid has a body shape that is elongated and laterally compressed with a pointed snout.

While the ob peacock cichlid is a hybrid species, it is still a beautiful and unique fish that can add a lot of character to your aquarium ensemble. They grow up to about six inches in length and have a lifespan of up to eight years. The ob peacock cichlid requires a moderate level of care and attention to thrive and survive.

The ob peacock cichlid requires specific water conditions, including a temperature range of 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH value of 7.8 to 8.6. They also require rocks, caves, and other hiding spots in their aquariums. It is essential to keep the ob peacock cichlid with fish of similar size to prevent attacks, as they can be aggressive at times. Some suitable tankmates include other peacock cichlids, African cichlids, and catfish.

Overall, the ob peacock cichlid is a beautiful and unique freshwater fish that requires specific needs. As long as you provide these conditions, the fish will thrive and provide a beautiful appearance to your aquarium.

Ob Peacock Cichlid Target

One of the ob peacock cichlid's targets is the aquarium enthusiasts that are looking for a unique and colorful species to add to their aquatic collection. They are also ideal for those with experience in fishkeeping and knowledge of the requirements needed for this species to thrive.

Main Points of This Article

This article has provided an overview of the ob peacock cichlid, including information on their unique coloration and water requirements. It has also discussed the species' temperament and the type of tankmates they need to live harmoniously.

Ob Peacock Cichlid Question and Answer

Q: How often should I feed the ob peacock cichlid?
A: Feed your ob peacock cichlid once or twice a day. They require a varied diet that includes protein-rich foods such as flakes, pellets, freeze-dried brine shrimp, and bloodworms as a treat.

Q: Can the ob peacock cichlid live with other fish?
A: Yes, the ob peacock cichlid can live with other fish as long as they are similar in size and temperament. Other ideal tankmates include African cichlids and catfish.

Q: What is the ideal temperature and pH level for the ob peacock cichlid?
A: The ob peacock cichlid's ideal temperature range is 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pH level should be between 7.8 to 8.6. It is essential to monitor these water parameters to ensure the fish's health and well-being.


The ob peacock cichlid is a beautiful and unique freshwater fish that requires specific care and attention. While it may not be suitable for beginners, it is an ideal choice for experienced fishkeepers looking to add a beautiful and rare species to their collection. As long as you understand and provide the species' specific needs, the ob peacock cichlid will thrive and provide a vibrant touch to your aquarium.

